Group Facilitation

Meetings are expensive. Get the most out of them.

Too often meetings are wasteful and inefficient because they are:

  • Poorly planned

  • Unnecessary (this could have been an email/Slack post!)

  • Not facilitated or facilitated badly

  • Dominated by one or two voices, with other participants ignored or checked out

  • Repetitive - meetings cover the same topics week after week with no progress

Bad meetings are a waste of money, and cause employee disengagement

If you’re curious about how expensive your meetings are, check out HBR’s cost of a meeting calculator. Meetings that seem like a small commitment at the time of scheduling, can add up to a significant cost over time.

Not only are low-quality meetings a waste of money, they contribute to disengagement and low employee morale, which can result in employee turnover.

How would your organization benefit from more well-planned, efficient and impactful meetings?

Benefits of effective meetings include:

  • Building relationships and greater trust between participants

  • Getting a group of people on the same page quickly

  • Resolving conflict and misunderstandings

  • Resolving roadblocks and building momentum for an effort

  • Setting a workplace norm of preparation and efficiency

Invest in effective meetings.

We’ll help you set the stage for meetings that achieve your goals. We facilitate project kickoffs, staff retreats, lessons learned workshops / retrospectives, summits and other large events, and more! We also provide coaching and training for developing facilitators, around topics like managing hybrid meetings and building robust participation.

If you want to invest in high quality meetings that achieve results, reach out to talk about your needs and how our facilitation services can help.